Some Information About Web

🔰 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 🔰

The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol provides  a standard for  communication between web browsers and the server. It is one of the most widely used protocol  on the Internet for requesting documents such as web pages and images.

🔰 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)🔰

The  File  Transfer  Protocol  provides  a  standard  for  transferring  files  between  two computers  on  the network. FTP is  most  widely  used in  carrying  out  upload/download operations between a server and a workstation.

🔰 Simple Main Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 🔰

The  Simple  Mail  Transfer  Protocol  provides  a  standard  for  sending  e-mails  from  one server  to  another. Most  e-mail systems  that  send mail  over  the  Internet  use  SMTP  to exchange messages between the server.

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